ContraLawrian's Corner
Politics • Culture • Law & Crime
The ContraLawrian's Corner is a place to hang out and bring together a, hopefully, diverse group of people to exchange thoughts, ideas, and views on the law, interesting legal cases, politics including foreign relations, and the current state of our culture. So relax, grab a glass or mug of your favorite beverage and let's chat!
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Gouveia's analysis of Trump dismissal motion(s) is spot on!

YouTube video of Robert Gouveia analysis of Trump dismissal motions, worth a watch.

Jimmy Dore continues to come around fully on Election Nonsense!

Check out Jimmy Dore talking with Dr. Epstein about Google's manipulation of elections.

This is absolutely disgusting Unamerican behavior and the legal community needs to condemn this behavior by these lawyers in the strongest way possible!
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